Maize and sweet lupine intercropping under conservation agriculture: An option in forage mixed farm Written by rllopez on June 17, 2019. Manual guide for the practice of mixed crop and livestock farming .
Conservation Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers in North Western Amhara, Ethiopia Written by rllopez on June 17, 2019. Manual guide into how Conservation Agriculture (CA) can help mitigate the reduction in soil quality.
Farmer and Extension Manuals from Ethiopia (Amharic) Written by rllopez on June 17, 2019. This is a series of 10 manuals in Amharic language. Topics covered include crop rotation and inter-cropping among other conservation agriculture practices.
Conservation or Conventional Agriculture? A Soil’s Perspective Written by rllopez on June 13, 2019. A study on how the practice of CA under SIMLESA promotes aggregation of soil particles which improves overall soil structure.
SIMLESA Annual Report July 2016 to June 2017 Written by rllopez on June 13, 2019. ACIAR report on achievements of SIMLESA’s program activities, its outputs and milestones.