Promoting gender and youth inclusiveness through AIPs, voices from SIMLESA Written by rllopez on June 18, 2019. SIMLESA case research illustrate AIPs are an effective mechanism for gender mainstreaming and addressing strategic interests.
INVASIVE PESTS AND Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification(CASI): A Manual For Extension Written by rllopez on June 17, 2019. A manual discussing the effects of pests responsible for the degradation of agriculture systems.
Does Gender Matter in the Maize and Legume Value Chains or in Agricultural Innovation Platforms in Tanzania? What are the Prospects for Youth in the Agricultural Sector of Tanzania Written by rllopez on June 13, 2019. This study of the AIPs showed that both women and men experienced an increase in the yields as a result of better agricultural training.
Promoting women and youth participation in agricultural value chains improves food security and livelihoods Written by rllopez on June 13, 2019. A working paper on the importance of youth and women participation for the enhancement of resilient and sustainable farming.
An Analysis of Intra-household Spousal Decision-Making Intensities on Agricultural Income Use in Kenya: A Multinomial Logit Approach Written by rllopez on June 13, 2019. An analysis of socio-economic characteristics of households that affect husbands’ and wives’ decision-making intensity on the use of income derived from crop and livestock sale.