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Updates from SIMLESA
-The Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume cropping Systems for Food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa(
- SIMLESA has been running for 9 years.
- It is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
- Implemented in seven countries in Eastern and southern Africa under the coordination of CIMMYT together with more than 10 national and international institutions.
- SIMLESA brings together farmers, scientists, government officials, extension experts and agribusinesses in an international Africa-Australia collaboration to promote sustainable intensification based on conservation agriculture.
Did you know?
On the social dimension side, SIMLESA continues to improve family fabric through the hosting of exploratory trials which promote the participation of men, women and youths thereby making everyone strategic and important participant in household farming activities. The approach has also led to improved family cohesion giving women opportunities to contribute to household decision- making.
- Watch this video in which different women farmers talk about how they adopted SIMLESA’s agricultural technologies.
- Read this article about a new book which draws on experiences of men and women farmers across eastern and southern Africa who bravely embraced change to improve their farming methods and the lives and livelihoods of their families.