Saving labor and animal draft power : impacts of crop management innovation packages in Ethiopia Written by rllopez on January 3, 2018.
What Determines Gender Inequality in Household Food Security in Kenya? Application of Exogenous Switching Treatment Regression Written by rllopez on November 3, 2013.
Cropping system diversification, conservation tillage and modern seed adoption in Ethiopia: Impacts on household income, agrochemical use and demand for labor Written by rllopez on May 3, 2013.
The effect of integrated organic and inorganic fertilizer rates on performances of soybean and maize component crops of a soybean/maize mixture at Bako, Western Ethiopia Written by rllopez on March 3, 2013.
Big Constraints or Small Returns? Explaining Nonadoption of Hybrid Maize in Tanzania Written by rllopez on February 3, 2013.