Two-wheel tractors & conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification in Ethiopia Written by rllopez on December 30, 2019. Title:Two-wheel tractors & conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification in Ethiopia Author:Bastemeijer, E.Year:2017
Powering smallholder agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa: how 2-wheel tractors increase farm power among smallholders Written by rllopez on December 30, 2019. Title:Powering smallholder agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa: how 2-wheel tractors increase farm power among smallholders Author:Bastemeijer, E.Year:2015
A round tour of mechanisation Written by rllopez on December 30, 2019. What is mechanisation like in different world regions? Which challenges do farmers face in Latin America,
Enabling Policies for Wider Adoption and Expansion of Smallholder Mechanization Written by rllopez on December 29, 2019. The agricultural mechanization in Zimbabwe has evolved over time especially amongst small holder farmers.
Two wheeled tractors business models-linkage with the private sector: Tanzania experiences Written by rllopez on December 29, 2019. Abusiness model in simple terms is a“blueprint” of how a company does business.