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Country: Kenya

Farmers in Western Kenya showcase their harvest.

Here the Liganwa Farmers’ Group are showcasing their crops of maize that have been grown using a new approach that has seen some farmers more than triple their yields even though they’re spending less time in the field.

Insights into multi-partner initiative.

This 15-minute video provides insights into the SIMLESA multi-partner initiative being implemented in five African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania

SIMLESA: celebrating project achievements

This video presents the outcomes of the SIMLESA project, featuring interviews with women and men farmers and scientists from four of the seven SIMLESA partner countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

SIMLESA Overview: Improving Food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa

This four-minute overview video describes in brief, the activities of the SIMLESA project. Its approach to smallholder farming is transforming maize-legume crop production in Eastern and Southern Africa. The project is helping smallholder, maize-based farmers double or quadruple their yields and income through good agricultural practices.

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