Farm Mechanization & Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification: inception workshop for activities in Kenya and Tanzania Written by rllopez on January 2, 2020. Posted in Event, News.
Assessing drudgery and mapping demand for small mechanisation in Assela and Hawassa of Ethiopia: Farm Mechanisation and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) Project baseline study of April 22-25, 2014 Written by rllopez on December 31, 2019.
Powering Smallholder Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa Written by rllopez on December 30, 2019.
A farm-level assessment of labour use in Eastern and Southern Africa. Myths and implications for mechanization. Written by rllopez on December 30, 2019. Posted in Uncategorized.
Powering smallholder agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa: how 2-wheel tractors increase farm power among smallholders Written by rllopez on December 30, 2019. Title:Powering smallholder agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa: how 2-wheel tractors increase farm power among smallholders Author:Bastemeijer, E.Year:2015