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Working Papers and Reports

In this section you will find a variety of working papers.

DISCLAIMER: These reports are presented without necessarily a thorough peer-review process. The main purpose is that of making data and information rapidly available to research teams and partners in the SIMLESA project and for use in advancing discussions on the relevant topic. For fully peer-reviewed publications, please refer to the journals page. Readers are invited to send comments directly to the corresponding author(s). The views expressed in these reports are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions of CIMMYT, ACIAR, national research institutions and other partners, or donors. Any errors or omissions (editorial, factual or otherwise) are the sole responsibility of the authors of each publication.

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This article examines the participation and involvement of men, women and children, from the production to the selling and processing of maize.

A study on how the practice of CA under SIMLESA promotes aggregation of soil particles which improves overall soil structure.

ACIAR report on achievements of SIMLESA’s program activities, its outputs and milestones.

A signed agreement by Ministers of Agriculture in Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda of the high level policy forum on SIMLESA.

ACIAR’s mid-term review of SIMLESA covering the closing years of the program’s Phase 1 and the opening period of Phase II.

ARC’s report on the efforts made under SIMLESA capacity building objective.

A paper on capitalizing on the role of livestock for a sustainable intensification of the mixed crop-livestock in the SIMLESA sites.

Annual technical report on SIMLESA activities carried out by CIAT between July 2016 to June 2017 reporting period.

An objective by objective review of SIMLESA’s achievements in Rwanda.

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