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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

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Media Report

Rural women help one another grow more and better food by pooling their cash and sharing new farming methods…

Working paper

M. Misiko*, P. Kaumbutho, W. Mariki, J. Mutua, U. Titi, P. Massawe and F. Baudron


Infographic about the soil health impacts of conservation agriculture practices.

Synthesis Report


By Frédéric Baudron & David Kahan, CIMMYT

Working paper

Working paper

The General Assembly (GA) of ASARECA consists of all Members duly admitted to the Association and registered. The Business Committee acts as its Electoral College and is made up of five individuals drawn from institutions in each Member State in good standing.

Policy brief

Learn how intercropping has improved productivity, food security and nutrition for farmers in Uganda.

Farmer and extension manual

This is a manual guide for soil testing in remote areas, with specific tailoring to the Eastern and Southern Africa.

social media