Our latest impressions and news


The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

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Policy brief

A collection of AIPs have led to complementary roles in the development, adaptation, dissemination and adoption of knowledge for biophysical and socioeconomic benefits.

Policy brief

Mulch is important in controlling soil erosion as demonstrated in this case study from Ethiopia.

Working paper

A paper on capitalizing on the role of livestock for a sustainable intensification of the mixed crop-livestock in the SIMLESA sites.

Media Report

Rural women help one another grow more and better food by pooling their cash and sharing new farming methods…

Journal Article

Field Crops Research Volume 144, Pages 245-255
Authors: Y.S. Chauhan, K.F. Solomon, D. Rodriguez

Farmer and extension manual

Manual guide into how Conservation Agriculture (CA) can help mitigate the reduction in soil quality.

Journal Article

Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 

Authors:Micheni, A. N., Kanampiou, F. and Rodriguez, D.

social media