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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Policy brief

In this brief from Mozambique learn how, information sharing and partnerships are key to widespread adoption of productive innovations (written in Portuguese).

Farmer and extension manual

Manual guide for the practice of mixed crop and livestock farming .

Journal Article

African Crop Science Proceedings Vol. 10 pp. 283-286 
Authors: Amane M.I.V.; Dias D.J.B.; Chirwa R.; Rubyogo J.C. e ;Tembo F.


Policy lessons for sustainable intensification: At a recent policy forum in Mozambique scientists, agricultural leaders and farmers discussed the implications of 8-years of SIMLESA’s results. The forum highlighted several opportunities and lessons learned from SIMLESA on how to improve farmers’ yields while protecting the environment,
link them to markets and to stimulate the scaling of new farming techniques. Listen to scientists and farmers explain their experiences in the SIMLESA project.

Journal Article

Innovations in Dryland Agriculture pp 239-256 
Authors: Daniel Rodriguez; Peter de Voil; B. Power

Working paper

Lungowe Sepo Marongwe, T Koza, Raymond Nazare, Moti Jaleta

Working paper

1. Introduction Agriculture in Zimbabwe is characterized by a dualistic structure.


A 2014 presentation in Tanzania for the evaluation of SIMLESA phase I during the launching and planning of phase II.

Journal Article

Climate Change Adaptation in Africa pp 185-203. 
Authors: Kindie Tesfaye, Menale Kassie, Jill E. Cairns, Misiko Michael, Clare Stirling, Tsedeke Abate, B. M. Prasanna, Mulugetta Mekuria, Habtamu Hailu, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Olaf Erenstein, Bruno Gerard

social media