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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

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Journal Article

Journal of Agricultural Economics 69:1, pages 76-95. 
Authors: Menale Kassie, Paswel Marenya, Yohannis Tessema, Moti Jaleta, Di Zeng, Olaf Erenstein, Dil Rahut.

Policy brief

CASI multi-sector approaches help promote appropriate farm mechanization in Tanzania.

Working paper

Media Report

Rural women help one another grow more and better food by pooling their cash and sharing new farming methods…

Policy brief

A collection of Agricultural Innovation Platforms(AIPs) have helped in connecting farmers to value chains hence improving productivity.

Farmer and extension manual

This is a series of 10 manuals in Amharic language. Topics covered include crop rotation and inter-cropping among other conservation agriculture practices.

Journal Article

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, ISSN: 2320-7035,Vol.: 3, Issue. 

Authors:Abebe Z. Birhanu T.; Tadesse S. and Degefa K

social media