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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Farmer and extension manual

Manual guide for the practice of mixed crop and livestock farming .

Farmer and extension manual

Manual for the on-station trials conducted to demonstate maize-soybean rotation under Conservation Agriculture .

Policy brief

Minimum Tillage Package(MTP) helps save labour requirements for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia.

Working paper

A case study of FACASI project’s service providers in Meki, Arsi Negele and Hawassa Zuria area
of Ethiopia

Synthesis Report

Journal Article

SBS Scholarly Articles [52]
Authors: Ndiritu, Simon W; Kassie, Menale; Shiferaw, Bekele

Farmer and extension manual

FACASI Literature Review Guideline

Media Report

Written By: Simret Yasabu, Africa RISING Research Communication Specialist

Policy brief

Learn how CASI practices had good impacts on soil moisture, reduced erosion and increased yields in Ethiopian farms.

social media