Our latest impressions and news


The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Policy brief

Brief about the key lessons from evidence gathered from SIMLESA’s scaling out efforts.


Read about the policy intiatives suggested for mainstreaming CASI in Mozambique (written in Portuguese).

Journal Article

Frédéric Baudron & Brian Sims & Scott Justice & David G. Kahan & Richard Rose & Saidi Mkomwa & Pascal Kaumbutho & John Sariah & Raymond Nazare & Girma Moges & Bruno Gérard

Media Report

A report on discussion made during a policy forum held in Malawi ..


The Australian-funded SIMLESA research program underway in 11 African countries is helping farmers grow drought-tolerant and improved varieties of maize and legumes using conservation agriculture techniques.

Working paper

A case study of FACASI project’s service providers in Meki, Arsi Negele and Hawassa Zuria area
of Ethiopia

Policy brief

A collection of Agricultural Innovation Platforms(AIPs) have helped in connecting farmers to value chains hence improving productivity.

Farmer and extension manual

See the profiles of two champion farmers, Peter Joctor and Dailess Kasawala, who through SIMLESA have adopted CASI technologies and the impact of the adoption in their lives…

social media