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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Journal Article

-Food Policy Volume 49, Part 1, Pages 117-127 

Authors: S. Wagura Ndiritu, Menale Kassie, Bekele Shiferaw

Journal Article

Agricultural Systems Volume 134, Pages 97-106
Authors: Frédéric Baudron, Sylvestre Delmotte,Marc Corbeels, Juan M.Herrera, Pablo TittonellGO TO JOURNAL

Media Report

-CIMMYT.ORG A new video highlights the outcomes and achievements of the SIMLESA project and it features interviews with farmers and scientists…

Policy brief

CASI technologies promise to improve food security and adaption to climate change.

Farmer and extension manual

Policy brief

Agricultural Mechanization
Forum of Ethiopia
Technical Brief

Working paper

ACIAR report on achievements of SIMLESA’s program activities, its outputs and milestones.

social media