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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

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Farmer and extension manual

Manual guide for the practice of mixed crop and livestock farming .

Journal Article

-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 113 (2) pg 458-463
Authors: Romain Frelat, Santiago Lopez-Ridaura, Ken E. Giller, Mario Herrero, Sabine Douxchamps, Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Olaf Erenstein, Ben Henderson, Menale Kassie, Birthe K. Paul, Cyrille Rigolot, Randall S. Ritzema, Daniel Rodriguez, Piet J. A. van Asten, and Mark T. van Wijk

Journal Article

African International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 
Authors: Alfred Micheni, David Mburu, Fred Kanampiu, Njue Mugai, Francis Kihanda

Journal Article

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, ISSN: 2320-7035,Vol.: 3, Issue. 

Authors:Abebe Z. Birhanu T.; Tadesse S. and Degefa K


Infographic about the machinery implements under CASI to reduce labour inputs used in Mozambique.

Journal Article

Agricultural Systems Volume 150, Pages 21-33 
Authors: Isaiah Nyagumbo, Siyabusa Mkuhlani, Walter Mupangwa, Daniel Rodriguez

Working paper

This article examines the participation and involvement of men, women and children, from the production to the selling and processing of maize.


A summary of SIMLESA’s CASI benefits in the 7 implementation countries.

Working paper

Prepared by: Frédéric Baudron and Elias Berta, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
Co-authors/ contributors/ collaborator: Dr Pascal Kaumbutho, Mr Wilfried Mariki, Dr Moti Jaleta, Dr Michael Misiko, Dr Rahut Dil, Prof John Blackwell, Mr Saidi Mkomwa.


Presentation on policy lobbying efforts for the scaling out of SIMLESA in Ethiopia.

social media