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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Policy brief

CASI technologies have helped in developing resilience through paradigm shifts in smallholder farming systems (written in Portuguese).

Farmer and extension manual

This is a series of 8 farmer and extensions manuals for conservation agriculture written in Portuguese…

Media Report

Learn how SIMLESA’s work is among this contributing to gender sensitive agricultural research for development.

Working paper

This report describes how SIMLESA utilized innovations platforms as a major approach to scaling project outputs

Policy brief

Learn about the role of research and knowledge management systems in promoting sustainable agricultural intensification.


This four-minute overview video describes in brief, the activities of the SIMLESA project. Its approach to smallholder farming is transforming maize-legume crop production in Eastern and Southern Africa. The project is helping smallholder, maize-based farmers double or quadruple their yields and income through good agricultural practices.

Policy brief

Learn how CASI practices had good impacts on soil moisture, reduced erosion and increased yields in Ethiopian farms.


Highlight of SIMLESA 2010 to 2017 results, progresses made and challenges.

Working paper

Prepared by: Frédéric Baudron, David Kahan, and Elias Berta, International
Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
Co-authors/ contributors/ collaborator: Girma Moges, Pascal Kaumbutho, John Sariah, Raymond Nazare, Moti Jaleta, John Blackwell, Saidi Mkomwa


This video presents the outcomes of the SIMLESA project, featuring interviews with women and men farmers and scientists from four of the seven SIMLESA partner countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

social media