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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Working paper

This report describes how SIMLESA utilized innovations platforms as a major approach to scaling project outputs


Read about the policy intiatives suggested for mainstreaming CASI in Mozambique.

Journal Article

Agricultural Systems Volume 142, Pages 9-22
Authors: Caspar W. Roxburgh, Daniel Rodriguez

Synthesis Report

Policy brief

Agricultural Mechanization
Forum of Ethiopia
Technical Brief

Working paper


A 2014 presentation in Tanzania for the evaluation of SIMLESA phase I during the launching and planning of phase II.

Working paper

This report provides an overview of initiatives undertaken under SIMLESA project during 2016/17 cropping season, highlighting achievements and challenges during implementation under each objective.

Journal Article

Agricultural Systems Volume 134, Pages 97-106
Authors: Frédéric Baudron, Sylvestre Delmotte,Marc Corbeels, Juan M.Herrera, Pablo TittonellGO TO JOURNAL

Journal Article

African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (29): 3921-3929. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR12.1044
Authors: Abebe Zerihun; J. J. Sharma; Dechasa Nigussie; Kanampiu Fred

social media