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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

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Farmer and extension manual

This is a manual for policy makers to guide in the scaling out of CASI technologies in Mozambique.

Working paper

This report describes the concepts of scaling employed in SIMLESA (and which can be replicated with modifications) to similar projects and programs in the region.

Journal Article

Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 

Authors:Micheni, A. N., Kanampiou, F. and Rodriguez, D.

Journal Article

Journal of Agricultural Economics 
Authors: Menale Kassie, Paswel Marenya, Yohannis Tessema, Moti Jaleta, Di Zeng, Olaf Erenstein, Dil Rahut

Farmer and extension manual

Manual about field tour/day to demonstrate specific CASI technologies and practices

Working paper

Prepared by: Frédéric Baudron and Elias Berta, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
Co-authors/ contributors/ collaborator: David Kahan, Girma Moges, Pascal
Kaumbutho, John Sariah, Raymond Nazare, Moti Jaleta, John Blackwell, Saidi Mkomwa

Policy brief

Understanding the movement of maize and legumes along the value chain.

Journal Article

Field Crops Research Volume 217, Pages 113-124
Authors: Solomon Seyoum, Rao Rachaputi, Yash Chauhan, Boddupalli Prasanna, Solomon Fekybelu

Policy brief

Learn how information campaigns drive adoption even under difficult market conditions in Mozambique (written in Portuguese).

social media