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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

Click on an icon to view the respective resources.

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Policy brief

CASI technologies promise to improve food security and adaption to climate change.

Journal Article

2015 Conference, August 9-14, 2015, Milan, Italy 211838, International Association of Agricultural Economists. 
Authors: Kassie, Menale; Teklewolde, Hailemariam; Erenstein, Olaf; Jaleta, Moti; Marenya, Paswel; Mekurai, Mulugetta

Media Report

Rural women help one another grow more and better food by pooling their cash and sharing new farming methods…

Media Report

A report on discussion made during a policy forum held in Malawi ..

Journal Article

Field Crops Research Volume 144, Pages 245-255
Authors: Y.S. Chauhan, K.F. Solomon, D. Rodriguez

Working paper

Mechanisation in maiz farming systems in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia.

Media Report

-CIMMYT.ORG This new video highlights the importance of gender equity and social inclusion to achieving project impacts and outcomes, helping to drive transformative change towards securing a food-secure future for Africa…


Challenges and opportunities identified and solved under SIMLESA in Tanzania.

social media