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The section below contains links to 12 different categories of resources from SIMLESA including publications, multi-media, datasheets, media reports and factsheets among others…

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Farmer and extension manual

This is a series of 10 manuals in Amharic language. Topics covered include crop rotation and inter-cropping among other conservation agriculture practices.

Journal Article

Frédéric Baudron & Michael Misiko & Bisrat Getnet & Raymond Nazare & John Sariah & Pascal Kaumbutho

Policy brief

In this series of 8 briefs , find information on policy action points to support sustainable intensification in eastern and southern Africa. Topics covered include scaling conservation agriculture practices, Tracing the process from research phase to the farm and actions for strengthening seed value chains, among other topic…


Read about the policy intiatives suggested for mainstreaming CASI in Mozambique (written in Portuguese).

Policy brief

Learn about the role of agricultural extension in sustainable intensification?

Media Report

Abusiness model in simple terms is a“blueprint” of how a company does business.


Presentation on policy lobbying efforts for the scaling out of SIMLESA in Ethiopia.


Learn about the significance of Science-led scaling strategy from SIMLESA’s integration approaches.

social media