Trials were designed to use evidence-based data that is collected using scientifically proven methods, analyzed, reported and published for wider use. The exploratory trials, although traditionally designed for simple demonstrations proved very easily understandable by small-scale farmers while at the same time providing data that have been statistically analyzed and producing very credible results which could be replicated for wider use to achieve more benefits.
Partners’ capacity has been strengthened through the collaborative research partnership with CIMMYT, QAAFI, CIAT and ILRI (particularly with the new focus on crop-livestock integration) enabling them to share research methods, tools and their applications. In line with the program design, SIMLESA continued to embark on an extensive experimentation program to assess the longer-term benefits of conservation agriculture
The program has continued to keep track of adoption pathways as a way of monitoring the efficiency of its scaling out strategies and impact pathways as a vehicle for assessing viable options for transforming the lives of the smallholder farmers through the 2015/16 Adoption Monitoring Survey. In line with the program design, SIMLESA continued to